Monday, July 6, 2015

What music shows us

“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.”

Lao Tzu.

To a common man, the word music and universe lies it his extremities; simply because music, as he assumes is smaller than life whereas universe, in the other hand is larger than life. But why did Lao Tzu uses both the words into one small sentence and make it confusing ? How does one understands to smudge something smaller than life onto a canvas called universe ?

There is a reason for why many learned scholars always associate themselves with music. the reason being so is because they've all realized this beautiful line about music, "Music is proof that the human race is greater than it knows". Music captured the minds of these great thinkers as they questioned their existence. 

Okay, if you feel that scholars and thinkers are making you feel left out ? well let's step down a bit. Let's take cinematographers and musicians for instance. Why do you think cinematographers blend in music to their visuals ? To amplify the emotions they want you to seek and shun your ability to think and remain in your awe state a little longer. To give you a clear idea of what I'm trying to state, let me throw you an example. Remember from the movie Interstellar where Dr. Mann tries to dock himself to the endurance unsuccesfully ? That docking scene (you could watch it again). Nolan and Zimmer have perfectly stitched  this music-visual interaction, where you will be absorbed into that scene and would crave to know what would happen next.

Curiosity. That millisecond, your mind would simulate and assimilate the numerous possibilities of what would happen. All that in a matter of a millisecond. Most of the time music shuns this process to let you stay in that pre-defined awe state as long as you can and delays the decay of such states. Music as of now have been able to, in most of the cases guide to connect the dotes of what we think it is as the random pattern. Catching up with today's internet slang the term braingasm or mindgasm are just that ecstatic lightning realizations you experience when you finally get that your eureka moment.

 There is this series called Brain Games as a part of the National Geographic Channel which puts to this particular myth about Mozart. Does listening to Mozart really increases your throughput ? Turns out it's neither Mozart nor the heavy metal which makes us think better but music. Music levitates our state of mind which is why we sometimes perform better and think better.

It's this urge that the human beings have and when crude words fail to meet, we have to translate it into symphony. Because it is the music's capacity to express the ineffable, the inexpressible. While listening to Jazz music or akin genre when the treble emerges from the beautiful bass, those goosebumps, those cognitive emotional ecstasy or to simply put the awe states you enter into a surreal atmosphere or sometimes..... astral projections. I remember when i saw the microscope for the first time when i was in my ninth grade to study the structure of amoeba (irony i know) i saw that cosmos revealed for the first time of the microscopic and when I first looked up at the telescope and all of the sudden you see the cosmos of the macroscopic. That pure awe moments which drives the passion to know, to understand what and how things are and when I realize them, underwstand them i connect the dotes I expeienced this cognitive ecstasies or the neuro storm, that self realization is what matters. And you know what ? That is exactly what music does. It awakens our ontological senses. 

Music with lyrics gave way to songs which converges the thought of the poet straight into your head. Sometimes you cry listening to certain songs, sometimes you get all pumped up or happy. It is the way of Music to amplify the essence of the lyrics, to make you feel, to make you aware or at times get yourself lost so that you can find your flow states. Although Mozart and Beethoven's mortal era has been over long before you or I were born, their music pierces through time and still resonates in our ears. That is why music as assumed by common man isn't a smaller thing. We can say we are lucky to be proud to be alive during the era which gave musicians like A.R.R and Hans Zimmer.  

Ecstasies beamed from brain to brain, from someone's heart to someone else's. This is music. music inspires and indeed that line is spot on : Proof that the human race is greater than it knows. That is why such a smaller than life can be placed right next to something larger than life inside a sentence. That is where both the extremities meet. In the mind.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Why I Quit Being Nice

When I graduated from High school, a friend of mine came to me and said something which I think I could never forget. She said, “ Aravind, you’re such a nice person. I think if I had met the nicest person in this entire would, it would be you without any doubt. I've never heard anyone say a bad thing about you. Don’t ever change.”
(Because that’s the most said phrase when you depart)
To me honestly, it felt like the highest compliment anyone could ever get. I thought people love me for being nice and hence I told myself “being nice” is going to be my synonym. Forever.
I did my best to be the same.
I tried. And I was nice until one day, a painful realization came crashing over to me: niceness ain't everything.

For so many years I worked hard to be nice, trying to live up to what my friend had told about me. In one sense, it felt good and right and admirable to be the kind of person who never did a bad thing to anyone, and who never gave anyone reason to say a bad thing about me.

Most of us have learned that it’s good to be nice, that we should put others first, that we should always help them and have a reputable image in front of others. If you’re frequently seen as a nice person, this is probably the sign that you’ve internalized this way of thinking a bit too well.
I’m not against helping others or being kind. I do think however that many people take this too far and end up sacrificing their own needs in order to please others, thinking that this will solve everything in their lives. And unfortunately, that’s very far from the truth. Well that’s perks of being a wallflower.
This topic has recently started receiving serious attention in the world of psychology, where phenomena such as the nice girl or nice guy syndrome are now being studied vigilantly.
Years have passed. But what had changed?


Nothing? Really ?

Think about it. If you remain like a wallflower (read nice) you will ignore all the things around you.

I realized being nice wasn't doing for me what I wanted it to do.Being “nice” was preventing me from saying what I thought about things.

I wouldn't want that girl to feel like I was singling her out, or overstepping my bounds.I wouldn't want my friends to feel like I was rejecting them.

It prevented me, years later, from expressing political opinions or theological opinions or even opinions about where I wanted to eat dinner — which in turn prevented me from having authentic, meaningful relationships with people. In some cases, friends would beg me to say what I thought, but instead of being honest, I would mimic those around me, and then (of course) feel invisible.
"When you can’t tell the truth about yourself, you cease to exist as a person."
Trying to maintain my “nice guy” image I held me back from doing things I wish to do; to say things I meant to say; most importantly be who I want to be. I changed my perspective according to the group of people I was with.
“being nice is like a liquid, takes the shape it resides. Doesn’t have any identity other than being flexible.”
But you may wonder being flexible is an added advantage. Yes! Indeed. But not at the cost of your needs. It is that thin line between kindness and niceness. Your need is that thin line.

So then what is the solution?
Be kind. Not nice. Nice could be tormenting if you are in the wrong place with the wrong people. Nice, from my perspective is a strong sign of being weak.

 I think the quality my friend noticed in me on that last day of high school is an important one. I care about people, and want them to feel loved, noticed and important. But “niceness” as I defined it all those years was actually getting the way of what I was trying to accomplish. 

'Sometimes niceness isn't very kind at all'

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What is with the #hashtags

A Mashable article written by Jillian Kumagai listed out the top 10 most cliché hashtags that people are guilty of overusing(but still does). As I was going through that article I found myself going, “ Yep I do. This one too… that one too.. but not too much I guess.. woah definitely this one… hell yeah..” At the end of the article I started wondering why has hashtags really been overused. Why did its existence just boomed up? Suddenly my perspective of hashtags totally reversed its polarity. I found it crazy to use a random guy's hashtag in a middle of a conversation. The tweet was like this, “Today seems to be a #pleasant day at #my_locality.” Does someone even care about #my_locality ? I wouldn't take time to use that underscore unless and until it has a reasonable reason.
While some hashtags are stupid and overused without any need (like #lol #rofl) I feel there are few instances where a hashtag really does its job like a boss. A hashtag at the end of a tweet – a meaning full tweet. Sometimes they might be sarcastic. But seriously hashtag obsession has raised the limit of the sky.

Now where do we find hashtags ? damn sorry that was such a rhetorical question. Duh, everywhere. Even in whatsapp. Seriously even on whatsapp? Yes my fellow netizens, I find people using hashtags in whatsapp staus not realizing the very purpose of hashtag. Whats even worse? I get to watch pictures with hashtags embedded on to them.  Twitter is where I get to see a tweet fully with hashtags. Followed by Instagram. Lemme give you an example; A picture of a coconut tree with the horizon has hashtags such as the following hashtags


Now you tell me would you or would you not get annoyed by this picture. If you didn’t then I guess its most probably one of your pictures. I bet will everything I own.

What does hashtag really do? Why did it come into existence ? Hashtags were first used to make searching of photos, files and articles related to what you want to see easy. Like in case if you want to search topics regarding a restaurant, you use #<name of the restaurant> and you find what you wanted. But now due to the advent of hashtags in almost every social media, you would find plethora  of related as well as non related search results. Now that’s a heads up for you(which you probably would have known due to your experiences). Now that being said I find it sometimes justifiable to use hashtags when and where it is required. Because honestly even I use hashtags but not like these. I would sum up that entire picture with #scenery( which I mentioned above). I hope we all  use Hashtags when it has to be used. 

I really recommend you people to watch this video #hashtag with Jimmy Fallon. This one is so crazy I laughed more than i should have. Trust me it highlights the obsession of today's netizens.

Signing off,
#Scatteredthoughts (sarcasm intended)

Friday, December 26, 2014

Things a dumpee does

Being in love is such a pleasant feeling; because being loved is a very bonny feeling. A feeling that takes us to “lived happily forever”, but come on who are we kidding; it hurts as fuck when you/you’re screw/screwed up. Sometimes it’s okpay to be dumpee. If it’s gonna make ycou feel any better even I’ve donned the dumpee character couple of times. Getting over him/her is not an easy joke even if you’ve done that a million times. It sucks and it will always suck: until the nice guy within us dies. We try to do everything in our power to fill up that hole left by the other person. But lemme tell you, you've got a long way to goooooooo.

 Today here’s the things you do once you don the dumpee role or sometimes a guilty dumper.

You soak yourself with a bottle of tequila and dive deep inside philosophy.

You wonder how many people's lives have been lost because of love.

 When someone who knows you the most cliche-st question after break you 

  You say,

But then when you get sick of it you tend to turn hostile and irritated, sometimes rely on unparlimentary language.

You tend to like being sarcastic and cynical; That can be seen more evidently in your comments.

 and  in your actions too perhaps.

You no longer find William Pharrell's "Happy" happy.

Whenever you find people saying there is only one love- True love, you disagree.

 But when you see your ex dating someone else

That's because you know they aren't the right people. That's because you always bring the best for them. 

You love to hang out with your buddies; buddies who take your side


Sleep eludes you. That 2 minutes between you close your eyes and sleep takes you to places you wish you don't- a never ending emotional roller coaster.

You delete all the conversations and pictures with them. Because you know it's safe in your cloud.

But deep down you still care for the dumper. Because you still love them.

Your nice person inside you peeps out and put other's (read dumper) happiness in front of yours.

At times it's common to get a tad overboard and think of asking the most impossible question.

But then you,

People are people. Even if you are trying to move on they pull you down and ask you if you are okay again. Now even though you are not fine, you pretend to be like you are.

Remember the break up phase is the most painful period, makes you insecure, makes you aloof, breaks you.

But you didn't. You didn't give up. That's because you are strong.  Because you are important. You matter first. Sometimes it's okay to be selfish about you. There is no "The one", it's all about trail and error.Love hurts because life gives us love. Life is and will never be nice to you. Without waves, a ship cannot move forward.

 And life isn't always mean. There is this always another person who will tell you why it never worked out all this time. 

This life is about YOU.
Make the most out of YOU.
My last thought would be this."Diamond is possible because the charcoal took all the beatings pretty well". Think about it.

See you again with another akin article. Until then,

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The day I disliked rain.

My bondage with rain was as strong as a covalent bond. Every drop on me signified some special memory… which I can't remember. All of you will enjoy the rain. Like all of you, I'm no different. I loved rain for the memories it showered upon me. Every now and then I'd relish those sweet happenings. You know how a tiny drop of water from the heavens splashing on your nose on a cloudy dark day will lift your mood. Fuck the damn drop, even the mere scent of the earth to mark the arrival of the droplets would cheer you up. Ain’t I right.? Remember yourself a few years ago, when you weren't all this fucked up, you would open up your arms looking up at the sky, enjoying every drop on your face. So much love we have.

In fact Happiness is

I could go on and on about how I loved rain. Yes, you heard me right. Loved. It all happened on one day, rather one night I must say. I was making my way back to my crib from my school mate's sister's reception. I was accompanied by no one but my music. My phone singing to me Incubus's hit song – ‘Drive’. A cool breeze flowing through my car's front windows and I was enjoying it. Traffic is never an issue as long as you've the right song playing. It was some 50km odd journey for me. I was tearing apart the wind with my Lamborghini 800 on the highway when the first drop decided to show up. Soon all the other fellow drops started dancing on the roof of my car and sliding down the glasses. Of course I enjoyed the tapatapa taratapatapa taratara tarapatapata tune.

Elders say, "Too much of anything is good for nothing". It was 34 mins ETA to my house approx. Well, that's what my maps informed me. It was then that the insanity of the rain shot up like a fucktard. I wouldn't say it was raining cats and dogs. Instead it was raining dragons and dinos. I had to maximize the frequency of wiping periods of my wipers so that I could at least see wraith images of people and amorphous cars. The visibility was reduced manifold. It was like seeing through a pixelated mirror.

Traffic was moving in a slow yet steady pace. I had to keep my eyes open, sharp like a hawk else I'd miss a turning. And did I say I was totally relying on Google Maps? The high beams  from the opposite direction only added misery to those driving on my side and vice vera. The coldness developed to blue frostbite on my car glass. The rain drops scattered the high beam lights throughout the glass and all I could see was scattered red and yellow lights.   

Beaming yellow headlights, frosty blue bordered car glasses, thunderous thunderstorms, ear piercing honks and I heard my map lady's voice whispering," Take the Chennai Bypass road and continue straight for 12 Kms." And thanks to the above said distractions, I took the Chennai slip road instead.

There. Mistake #1

I decided to pull aside and checked my phone. It said, 'Redirecting'. HFS.... I was like not aaagainnnn. It asked me to take a U turn and go back to take the Chennai Bypass road. I thought I’d save some time by taking the service lane running parallel to the bypass.

There again. Mistake #2

I steered down the service lane hoping to join the bypass road.

There you go, another one. Mistake #3

I partially recovered from the fear of getting lost as soon as I took the service lane. I relaxed myself by stopping nearby to change the soundtrack which I totally ignored for a while. I resumed my journey. It was a very pleasant one. How pleasant?

Drizzling slowly, I could see on the headlight path,

Smooth and wet road straight ahead,

All my worries off my head,

To my right was the bypass road - my Christmas star

To my left was the long stretch of trees which the rain mar,

Cold breeze lost its way through my hair

A hot coffee - I wish it was there.

This pleasant that I love to share.

Driving on the fourth gear I was all singing out loud, " Whiskey and wine.... night after night you haunt me". High on confidence and in good mood my eyes caught the big green board. I instantly exhaled all the air I inhaled and my feet couldn't hit the gas anymore. My memory couldn't take anything new. It went into repeat mode, replaying what I saw. The sign board said its about a thousand kms to Mumbai and Kolkata

|                        National Highway NH45                            |

|                                                                                            |

|                                                                                            |

|  Mumbai              Kolkata              Bangalore                |

|   1084                      1176                        568                     |

|                                                                                            |



My head my like where the hell are you? Mumbai? Kolkata? Wait, what the heck. All the pleasantness and pleasure of the drive took a hard blow. *Thud* the smooth road ended. As much as what I heard I think if one can experience turbulence in a car, this would be it. More bumps and thuds forced me to decelerate. I halted at once not even bothering to use the indicator, ‘cause I was the only soul stuck in this fucking place. I took out my mobile to check if by any chance I was in the right direction. I turned on my location and demanded it to plot me on that barren land. It read, waiting for location, and moments later I was taken down to the road I was. I deviated by about 5 Kms. My fingers immediately hit the "take me home" button in panic and it was 11 pm already. I saw the re-routing wordings as I was sweating profusely. The blue lines took me home in light speed. I convinced myself saying, it’s just a straight road and we shall be away from this unknown place.

After much of the convincing part got over, I unleashed the true potential of the car. But I dare not go beyond 60. The road was slushy and muddy, took me time to adjust to the constant drift. I never drove skidding all the way. It was akin driving on a icy road in Canada. I was swinging from left to right and right to left. The adrenaline surge was overwhelming. I could feel it filling me. Far away I could see a small light. A yellow light approaching me. I was approaching it too. Suddenly it stopped and it started flickering. Puzzled I was, I didn't give a "fu" in fuck and I could see it was a small tempo, then what happened? Whoosh.Water splashed on both sides. Was it a water ride in an amusement park? So that's why he stopped. What a good soul he even cautioned me. Oh fuck me. How nice of him and what did I do. In exactly 2 feet which I could barely see was a big pothole which I guess was half a foot deep probably. And it was raining heavily. The rain helped the pothole to transform into a mini kettle. Within minutes it was oozing out brownish water. Okay I’m not sure if its half a feet deep now. I had no other go than to take the plunge. I slowly released the clutch. Slowly the wheels started moving forward inch by inch. I doubted if the car could ever make it out. Slowly the wheels started invading the overlaying water. I could feel my wheels sinking into the pothole. The rear wheels sunk with a splash of water. I waded my car through the kettle. As I continued my phone said 4% remaining. Slowly the screen dimmed away and blacked out. So did my engine. It refused to come back to life. 


 I sat static after innumerable attempts of revival failed. That time I could feel the fear tearing apart my composure, my confidence and all my good vibes. It just shredded like paper in a paper shredder. I was the only living soul in that whole stretch. The only living soul on that stretch filled with water, mud, dirt and a highway beside. Neither a single honk nor a headlight. Total darkness. Absolute solitude.  I peeped out of the window wondering if the moon showed up. No it didn't. At that given time I was in oblivion. Lost in that darkness.  I thought I wouldn’t reach home that night. I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to reach home. I only wanted to reach home. I was thinking about the innumerable number of calls I would have got from my mother to my switched off phone. I thought of the dearest people in my life. My Family. My bros(my extended family) My besties and the people who showed the best of my life. I was stuck in that place for about 15 minutes. I tried another set of attempts to ignite my vehicle, all in vain. My stupid mind decided to play tricks with me, taking me on rides to memories I wish not to visit. MADE me accept that all my life I was a selfish guy and never did I think about anyone. Never did I care about anyone. Still dreaming I was stuck there feeling infinitesimal. Realized how I reluctantly opposed changes in my life. Ironically how much I changed for the people who play a minor role in my life. Still aimless travelling in the speed of time in my life. How lonely I feel in solitude. How dependant I’m. How attached I’m. In that 15 minutes I decided on a few things. Things that would break me and those which could possibly make me. Closed my eyes I was resonated with my emotional ties. I could neither say I enjoyed it nor I regretted it.


I decided that “self” is more important than “social”. Because self is more fascinating. It takes you to a whole new level the deeper you try to look into it. If only you look into you can you test your limits. I realized how hooked we are to people who mean a lot to us and not the same way around. Im not saying attachment should be avoided. It can’t and its inevitable. So does change. I also realized that my past was not a smooth ride and neither a story to tell nor a story to listen to. But I want not the past to find its way to my future. For that I need to cut some load off the hot air ballon which is meant to go up. At the same time the memories and experiences can’t be sidelined. I can’t afford to shut them off. Without them I’m not where I’m. A look past my years I’ve changed remarkably both the ways (the good and the bad). In fact it is what life is about. About the decisions we make and the risks we take to live what we want to feel and see. When we see we shall feel its all worth it, for there is nothing called a mistake. Ever decision we take defines us. I realized that I’ve taken a quite a few good ones. I could justify them based on the dearest people I found. I promised myself that if I could get off this place I will see to it that my decisions will benefit me more. I promised to see and feel what’s more important.    

I was drowned in my our thoughts. My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of continuous honking. I was half asleep. I didn't even realize! At last a honk. A lorry driver stopped by and checked if I was alright. i looked so desperate. I didn’t utter a word. My face showed it all. He asked me not to panic  asking me to hang on. He tied a rope to my car connecting it to his lorry. The lorry had no problem in the kettle. With a little pull he helped my car get off the kettle. I thanked him wholeheartedly even though he didn't understand what I said because the rain was louder than my words. But my “Thank you” was louder than my words touching his heart. He smiled and said take care. I asked him directions and he guided me for few kilometers.

PP56.The very sight of it made me heave a sigh of relief. That is the bus route that leads me to a place I know from where I could no longer get lost. I signaled the lorry with three pulses and overtook him. He responded with two pulses. I smiled looking at it in my side mirror. That is the first time I think I smiled since getting lost. The fear which controlled my emotions was smashed hard and good vibes took over once again. I felt a sense of satisfaction I never knew why. Maybe because I took the hard decisions. Maybe. Within half an hour, I reached my crib after a gruesome 3 hours of getting lost and accompanied by fear. It was one hellva ride.


This drive was one of the most unforgettable ones in my life. I took a road less travelled both in terms of the road and my emotional side. Even though it benefited me I'd say I never wanted that ride.

But few things life teaches us the hard way. That wrong turn, that 15 minutes, that lorry driver, that tempo driver, everything meant something. Every mistake I did lead to this.As I said there is no mistake. Travels are not always about smiles and rainbows. It’s about solitude, it’s about discovering yourself.

Had it not rained that night, I wouldn't have been through all this. God I hate the rain so much. Because it changed me.

So that was the day I disliked rain.


P.S : This is based on a real life story. Of course, mine.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Beautiful Emotions Of Diwali

The Beautiful Emotions Of Diwali

(a colorful emotion too)
Diwali is just around the corner. Exactly 90 degrees (at the time of posting this). In case you don't get it, it was nine pm when I posted it and so yeah you must have got it by now. Well lets get back on track then. Diwali. The moment you read the title I bet your mind would have been bombarded with thousands of thoughts. It's au naturel. It is a trait of a normal Human being. Rather a human brain I can say. Allow me to screed your top ten thoughts out of the infinite thoughts that just doesn't end with food.
Here are the top ten thoughts (happy ones and sad ones)
1. Sweets and souvenirs
2. New clothings and shopping
3. Diwali bonus(comes from company or grandparents or both) 
4. Oil bath *sigh* 
5.Crackers *bang bang bang*
6.So much sweets and im going to get fat
7.Damn it I love to eat. Sweets again
8. Get together with family relatives and our friends
9. FDFS for Thala/Thalapathy movies
10.Wishing your Crush a happy Diwali(to their family too)

    Crackers and Sweets have become synonyms for Diwali. The people around us, look at them instead of your newsfeed. We will be one. We lose our differences and cherish the moment if not the day. That satisfies the very purpose of any festival. You see a stranger, you say " Happy Diwali ji", he waves backs and reciprocates. Doesn't this happen everyday? Hell no. He thinks you're a lunatic sociopathe who tries to kidnap and sell their kidneys for the new iPhone. Festival is designed to make us feel good and spread the good vibe to those who cant afford it. That is why our culture has a lot of Festivals. To spread the joy and to make the less fortunate smile, we share what we can to alleviate their sadness momentarily. To share, to care, to make them smile, to levitate our happiness and our mood despite our stressful lives we celebrate.Thank God there are so many festivals.
Even though we dissolve our differences, residues do remain. Greed is the top contender amongst the many. Greed can alone destroy anything and everything it lays it's eyes upon. Greed is akin to cancer except that it's not biological. Greed evolves from need. That is why there is an old saying,"Be content with what you have". With greed comes a little bit of looting. and why does it come along with it? If you can't satisfy your greed in a clean way then looting takes over. Looting is akin to a parasite controlled by greed. To overcome these, the greatest minds who once lived even before A.D. was predicted in the B.C. who practically wrote the drafts of the culture, mentioned the word share. Next is Ego. Life could be so easy if one can erase it as simple as erasing with an eraser. A lot of meaningful emotions and relations cease because of this.

Negate the culture aside. To our conscience let us descend from who we wish to be to who we really are. Share your feelings, haven't caught up with old pals? there couldn't be an even more purposeful day. Carry sweets when you meet them. Hug them. Smile at people you know. Doesn't alone make you confident, it as well makes them happy. Smile is an emotion so is happiness. Spread the good vibe. Share what you have to the less fortunate. For instance Share sweets with maids, security guards, drivers or anyone at all you know. Because to give is an emotion. To receive is an emotion as well. To see then Smile as they receive is an emotion which I will say is way above everything!

This is an article written hastily on behalf of me to wish all my readers, their friends and family a very pleasant as well as a silent and happy colorful Diwali. I wish this festival of lights will banish the darkness inside everyone of you so that it doesn't remember it's way back to you ever again. I also appreciate those who are celebrating this festival of light without any noise.. In spite of being bullied for being eco friendly and branded as "vetti scene" you guys are doing a great job. Proud of you people.  I hope to see a lot of you guys, to restrict yourself from bursting crackers and burning your money for that. Once again, let the light dominate the darkness. Happy Diwali :)     

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Just a normal day

Just a normal day

"Jeez my keyboard is so dusty" I think as I clean away those teeny tiny dust particles from the keyboard. "It's been months since I wrote something. Maybe I should write something, just to knock that rusty brain of mine" I decided and brought the computer back to life. And this is why I'm writing this story. How my normal day will look like. So, I can assure you this won't be as interesting as my previous posts ( if at all they seemed interesting to you).
What a best way to kick start my day, speakers blaring pumping up everyone's mood around and everyone were high on music (and of course marijuana) . Cool breeze escaping my messy hair and the air echoing from a distance " ten feet tall oh hoo ooo oh, ten feet tall...." I'm at the Afrojack's concert. Suddenly it started raining. Wait a mi... whooseee it's raining flood. *Splash* The portal between my dream and the reality was successfully shunned by my mom and I fall back to reality akin to how Ironman awesomely falls back to earth unconsciously in Avengers. slowly I realize that the song "ten feet tall" was my alarm tone, the cool breeze from the window slightly open and some early morning smoker puffing his cigars. what a worst way to start my day.
Now starts my daily routine.
1.Look at the clock
2.Allocate time accordingly to do all daily activities inside the bathroom. 
3.Get out and check for delay. if not smile and move on to step 4. else hurry up.
4.Dress up (or rather I'd love to say suit up).
5.Eat what is served and thou shall not enjoy what's served.
6.Check for mobile, wallet(irrespective of the cash inside) and college identity card. Oh yeah the bag(irrespective of what's inside).
7.Look at the clock and see if "lift from regular unknown strangers" is required .
8. Reach the bus stop in time.
I somehow follow these routine perfectly. Guess it's one of the traits of an engineering guy.
The first thing id ask my junior " route 8 poocha". I will be relived if he shakes his head. else its a nightmare in a daytime to catch an out-bus and reach college. But fortunately on that particular normal day he shook his head. It was like a dose of relief for the Monday morning sickness. Especially for a person like me who isn't diurnal in nature. That day I was very natty. Pressed shirt and new jean. I never felt so awesome when I admired my awesomeness in front of my mirror that day. At last my bus arrived, that stupid bus along with its fetidness. It only makes me hostile to others. I let my juniors board the bus first and then myself. I occupied the last but before seat - a three seater(only for final years). Behind me were the two most irritating prattle sisters. They would continue to talk even though if the world would depend on them. If you eavesdrop their conversation you could be aware of all the hidden hot affairs and hot happenings in the college. I plugged my ear with my new Sony double bass equalizer earphones I received the previous day from Flipkart. Soon I doused off listening to Lana Del Ray's Young and beautiful. Melodies make me sleep quickly. After say a decade dream years later someone patted me and I knew it's college. I looked up and shit it was those prattle sisters. I strolled towards my classroom wondering who all would come to know that I overslept in bus and my face looked so oily. I washed my face and made sure i looked physically viable enough to face all my boring classes. The only period of time I'd love to be a part of  it is the lunch break and the mini break. Apart from it I love the subject called Principles Of Management, not because of the nature of the subject but because of the faculty who handles it. He never gives a fuck about who is listening. All he wants is a class filled with students who could keep quiet. I would not disturb him and that's my period to sleep. See why I told I love this particular period?
I somehow struggled past those darting lectures and hours of boredom and finally its Lunch time. Yaaayyy!!!! Lunch time is when I get to see the epitome of pulchritude. When I see her all my inimical behavior evaporates and I will be filled with licentious thoughts. As I enjoy those thoughts for a couple of seconds my "good me" comes and gives me a mental smack on my head. I will have to scotch off those thoughts and one more look and I'll be completely enamored with her. But the problem so far was that she has no idea that such a soul was ogling at her. Apparently that day she unintentionally caught me looking at  her. Oh boy oh boy. Couldn't I not blush in front of her. Damn it. yes I did. I was blushing the shit outta me. I had no idea why I couldn't stop blushing. It was then the Ted Mosby of me peeped out. " Does she find your blushing offensive?"," Oh wait a minute, I know why you are blushing so badly, cause she's the one."(typical Mosby). She smiled back and waved at me. what a surprise she waved at me. She waved at ME. That very place was my Elysium. I waved her back and gave an embarrassed smile for ogling at her so obviously. She acknowledged it and showed a hint of smile across her lips. That was more than what was needed for the day. All these happened in a matter of minutes. Turning back, I headed to my classroom. Sat in my place. never slept for the rest of my boring classes that day. I was greeting everyone with a smile as though l was high on weed.
 Final bell rang and i walked across her class hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Nah i didn't. But to my surprise i caught her watching me searching for her. All these days not a single time she saw me and all of a sudden twice within the last 5 hours? *she's the one she's the one shouted my man Mosby* I ran my fingers onto my shiny hair and smiled. she gestured to give me company till my bus. She and I walked slowly towards her bus and she never really was interested in getting on the bus. we spoke for a while sharing funny moments like how i used to check her out and all the nonsense i did/ will do to get to spend sometime like this.Before she boarded the bus she slipped a yellow note into my pocket and said "Open it once you settle in your bus and you'll know what to do". I expected the note would have said something i expected too much. well yeah it was too much and that's not what she wrote. Inside that perfectly folded yellow note was her number. okay im really satisfied with what i got. Not bad on the first day i thought and mental patted myself. Again earphones plugged. Josh Krajcik's Let me hold you playing and my First message to her " Just a normal day".
Moral of the story?
With a little bit of imagination you could use the 10 GRE words you've learnt for that day in a story of your own. Well after all it was just a normal day that day. *wink*
*Whatsapp message notification rings* oops time to go. Bye. Catch you people later.
keep reading. Thank you.